Ambassador Program

Giving What We Can is seeking applications from our members to participate in our 12-month Ambassador Program.

Apply now

In this volunteer role you will be helping to coordinate locally around effective giving projects, and collaborating on global projects. You will work closely with other ambassadors, the Giving What We Can team, and effective altruism groups to help spread ideas of effective giving.

Our Ambassador Program offers training, and opportunities to help develop skills and experience in communications, community building and leadership. Participants also have an opportunity to make new friends, build a global network and develop a sense of belonging while getting involved in local and international events and activities.


Approximately 6 hours per month for 12 months. Active participation in the core program activities.

Program timeline

  • August-September: Applications and interviews
  • October: Onboarding, training, confirm dates for November-January activities
  • November: Planning giving season activities, including Pledge Drive, run a Giving Tuesday event
  • December: Running giving season activities, planning a Pledge Party
  • January: Finalise Pledge Drive, run a Pledge Party
  • February-April: Conducting and editing member interviews, participate in workshops on writing and editing
  • May-July: Collaborative events (e.g. workplaces, universities)
  • August-September: International Day of Charity activities, recruiting new ambassadors


Aside from the intrinsic benefits of participating in a program to help spread effective giving, there are other tangible benefits for ambassadors.

Throughout the ambassadors will benefit from regular training and feedback (from experts and their peers) in leadership, communications, community building and more.

Upon completion of the program participants of the ambassador program will receive an ambassador certificate, selection of books, $500 donation on their behalf to an effective charity of their choice, and a letter of reference from the executive director.

Alumni of the program are invited to help develop future programs, mentor new ambassadors, and participate in future activities such as media interviews and pledge panels.