How To Run A Pledge Party Event

Celebration is an important part of life.

It can be wonderful to take the time to celebrate people making significant commitments to help others can. It helps to affirm our commitments, recognises the significance of the decision, and helps inspire others.

Groups Celebrations

If you organise a group which has Giving What We Can members (such as an effective altruism group) this can easily be done as a part of other events such as your first event for the year, or in conjunction with a Giving What We Can event such as a Pledge Panel or Giving Game. Another alternative would be to organise formal dinner. This will give signing the pledge an air of importance and celebration just like at other important moments in your life. Furthermore the significance of this evening will be reinforced by the social bonds created.

Let your members know you're running the event and now is a great time to let you know if they pledged or are considering doing so. If you're not sure who's pledged you can also check your members names against the public members page.

Feel free to get in touch with us and we can invite other members who live nearby and give you a list of pledge anniversaries for the event.

Individual Celebrations

Just taken a pledge yourself? Consider having a party with your friends or family to celebrate.

Perhaps include this as part of your birthday or anniversary celebrations.

Two married members reported that they started off with a Try Giving pledge on their first anniversary and have been increasing their joint pledge by 1% every wedding anniversary and celebrating it each year.

Physical Pledge Certificates

A physical pledge is normally mailed to members within the first 2 months, it can be nice to sign these at the event. If you need a paper pledge earlier then contact us and they can be mailed early, or the template given for you to print yourself.

Take photos holding their pledge forms and share this on social media afterwards, alongside quotes from the members.