
The END Fund

The END Fund

The END Fund provides technical assistance and funds for programs to control and eliminate neglected tropical diseases (or “NTDs”). We specifically recommend its deworming program.

What is the END Fund's mission?

In their own words, the END Fund focuses on "delivering neglected tropical disease (NTD) treatments to those in need by growing and engaging a community of activist-philanthropists, managing high-impact strategic investments, and working in collaboration with government, NGO, pharmaceutical, and academic partners."

What does the END Fund do?

  • The END Fund examines the global neglected tropical disease (NTD) landscape and directs funding to the programs it expects to achieve the highest impact.
  • It raises funding for NTD programs through active engagement with donors and philanthropic foundations.
  • The END Fund's deworming programs treat schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis.
  • It monitors its impact, requesting grantees' plans, budgets, and treatment schedules, and in some cases provides technical assistance.

Why do we recommend the END Fund?

  • Deworming is considered a highly cost-effective intervention that remains underfunded globally. * The END Fund is a highly transparent organisation and shares significant and detailed information publicly.
  • GiveWell has identified the END Fund's deworming programs as a "top-rated" giving opportunity.

To learn more about the END Fund, we recommend reading more on GiveWell's detailed review.