
New Incentives

New Incentives

New Incentives distributes conditional cash transfers to encourage caregivers to immunise their children in rural Nigeria.

What is New Incentives's mission?

New Incentives aims to reduce child mortality by promoting vaccination as effectively as possible. They value using "evidence and data-driven decisions," "doing the most good" they can do, and accountability.

What does New Incentives do?

  • New Incentives provides conditional cash transfers for caregivers in rural Nigeria who immunise their infants.
  • Before distributing the transfers, they verify that infants have received four vaccinations: BCG, PENTA, PCV, MCV.
  • New Incentives works primarily in North West Nigeria, in collaboration with the governments of Katsina, Zamfara, and Jigawa.
  • Data from a 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey suggests that North West Nigeria has the lowest vaccination rate in Nigeria; only about 25% of infants are fully immunised.
  • New Incentives works to raise awareness about the importance of childhood vaccinations.
  • To ensure vaccine supply, New Incentives works with Local Cold Chain Officers and State Cold Chain Officers to verify the stock and validity of vaccine supply for two weeks at a time.
  • They track the impact of their programs and encourage self-assessment. They are working on an ongoing randomised controlled trial to test the impact of their program.

Why do we recommend New Incentives?

  • New Incentives values evidence and self-evaluation, two characteristics of highly effective organisations.
  • GiveWell rates New Incentives as a top charity. They estimate that, on average, the total cost to vaccinate one child through New Incentives's program is about $47.
  • GiveWell estimates that New Incentives could effectively use an additional $16 million beyond what they expect to raise in 2021--2023.
  • In 2021, Open Philanthropy awarded New Incentives with a general support grant of $16.8 million.

To learn more about New Incentives, we recommend reading GiveWell’s detailed review.