
Helen Keller International

Helen Keller International

Helen Keller International (HKI) partners with low-income communities to prevent vision loss, malnutrition, and other diseases of poverty.

What is Helen Keller International's mission?

HKI's mission is to ensure that "every person has the opportunity --- as Helen did --- to reach their true potential." They partner with low-income communities to deliver health services and remove obstacles to wellbeing. HKI's core values are rigour, integrity, grit, and compassion.

What does Helen Keller International do?

  • HKI delivers programs focused on reducing malnutrition and averting blindness and poor vision.
  • We recommend them for their work distributing vitamin A supplements in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • HKI supports government-run vitamin A supplementation programs through advocacy, technical support, and funding.

Why do we recommend Helen Keller International's VAS program?

  • There is strong evidence that providing vitamin A supplements to children can cost-effectively reduce childhood mortality.
  • HKI has a strong track record of running vitamin A supplementation programs in multiple countries.
  • In January 2020, Open Philanthropy offered HKI a grant of $9.7 million to support its vitamin A programs --- a huge vote of confidence.
  • GiveWell recommends HKI's vitamin A supplementation program as a top charity and estimates that it could use an additional $12.7 million over the next few years.

To learn more about Helen Keller International, we recommend reading GiveWell’s detailed review.