
Centre for Effective Altruism

Centre for Effective Altruism

The Centre for Effective Altruism's mission is to build a community of students and professionals acting on EA principles, by creating and sustaining high-quality discussion spaces.

The Centre for Effective Altruism's mission is to build a community of students and professionals acting on the principles of effective altruism, by creating and sustaining high-quality discussion spaces.

CEA believes that by connecting students and young professionals with relevant experts, it can help them consider their values and find an effective way to contribute that is a good fit for their skills and inclinations.

CEA does this by…

  • Running EA Global conferences and supporting community-organized EAGx conferences.
  • Funding and advising local effective altruism groups.
  • Building and moderating the EA Forum, an online hub for discussing the ideas of effective altruism.
  • Supporting community members through its community health team.
  • Providing operational support to other EA organizations, including 80,000 Hours, Giving What We Can, EA Funds, and the Forethought Foundation.

CEA also produces the Effective Altruism Newsletter, which goes out to more than 50,000 subscribers, and runs, which hosts a collection of useful resources.