Blog post

Join us for Effective Giving Day 2021

1 min read
26 Nov 2021

We are co-hosting a series of International Effective Giving Day events online this Giving Tuesday.


In these events you will learn how to do the most good with your charitable donations, hear the latest updates from charity evaluators and expert grantmakers, and participate in a Q&A with experts in effective giving.

We’ll cover:

  • Why giving effectively matters
  • How you can choose high impact causes and charities to support
  • Updates from charity evaluators and grantmaking organisations
  • Innovations in effective charitable giving
  • Practical giving advice including tax deductibility for different countries and causes
  • Being a part of a giving community

You will have the opportunity to ask questions in a Q&A with a panel of experts in the field of effective giving, including:

  • GiveWell
  • Giving What We Can
  • Charity Entrepreneurship
  • Rethink Charity
  • Happier Lives Institute
  • Founders Pledge
  • Legacies Now

These event will be great for both newcomers to effective giving and those who’ve already made effective giving a meaningful part of their lives.

Hope to see you there!

When (UTC)WhereLanguageRegistrationFacebook RSVP
Nov 30: 06:00 UTCAustralasia (Online)EnglishRegister on ZoomRSVP on Facebook
Nov 30: 18:00 UTCEurope/UK (Online)EnglishRegister on ZoomRSVP on Facebook
Nov 30: 19:00 UTCGermany (Online)GermanRegister on ZoomRSVP on Facebook
Dec 1: 01:00 UTCAmericas (Online)EnglishRegister on ZoomRSVP on Facebook